Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Believing Game: Cold Weather Vs. Hot Weather

From Healthy Fit Food

  Hot Weather Vs. Cold Weather

In this post you will be reading about two sides about cold and hot weather. One side will express why being cold is better and one will talk about why being hot is better. 


            Wisconsin is a state of many emotions, with cold winters and hot summers. So, when its winter people want summer and when its summer people can’t wait for winter. But why?Cold weather is much better than hot weather. One reason is you can always put more clothes on or pile the blankets on but if it is hot you can only take so much off until it becomes inappropriate. Also, who likes to be sweaty all the time, you just feel gross and smell bad. Just not an ideal situation. Another reason that cold weather is better is that you burn more calories, you body is always working to keep its self warm, hence the burning of  more calories. And one of my favorite reasons is that cold weather clothing is much cuter and more comfortable. You get to wear sweatshirts, boots, and scarves how could it get any better?
Summer is the best season by far, the sun is shining, and the weather is warm. You don’t have to worry about wearing a jacket or bringing a sweater everywhere you go because its always hot. Also, you get a great tan, in the winter you spend so much time inside that everyone gets as pale as a ghost. Speaking of spending time outside, in the summer with warmer weather you can spend almost all your time outside doing activities like camping, swimming, and having cook outs. Everyone is out and about spending time with family and friends at a get together s. Being hot is much better than being cold because you can always do more things to cool off like swimming. Also, you can wear dresses, shorts, and sandals.  

1 comment:

  1. Both arguments are really strong, the arguments are mirrored but they work I feel, because they aren't weak statements. Though i personally prefer warmer weather, i can get behind the idea of enjoying cooler weather as well.
